Thursday, July 29, 2021

I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Patricia Gligor (rhymes with "tiger") and I'm a fiction writer. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and have for most of my life. I grew up reading Judy Bolton and Nancy Drew mysteries and knew, from the time that I was ten years old and had a poem I'd written accepted for publication in my Sunday School magazine, that I wanted to be a published author when I grew up.

Well, I've been grown up for some time now. I've spent my whole life writing and I did have three short stories published locally at one point. Unfortunately, although I tried from time to time to market my writing, I didn't focus on the publishing side of things. Through the years, I attended numerous writing classes, seminars and writers conferences but I let "life" get in the way of pursuing my dream of becoming a published author. I'm not willing to do that anymore.

Which brings me to why I started this blog. Quite simply, to network, to get my name out there because that seems to be the path to publication these days. Also, I'm interested in hearing from other writers. After all, we're all in this together and I believe that we need to help and encourage one another. I'd love to hear from you.

Since writing this post ten years ago, I've written and published nine mystery novels. If you haven't yet read my books, just click on the book covers on the right side of this page to read more about them and/or to order your copy/copies.

Until next time, Happy Reading!


  1. Congrats on living your dream, Pat! What a good idea, to step back and see how far you've come.

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Kaye. Speaking of living, life sure has a way of getting in the way of our writing. This year has been (and still is) a really rough patch for me but I'm determined to start work on my next book. Writing is such a big part of who I am and I don't ever want to lose that.

  2. Hi Patricia,

    What a great first blog! Ten years pass too quickly it seems. Glad we're still writing.
