Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Five Things I've Learned

Do you remember these lyrics from a perfume commercial in the 70s? “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan and never, never let you forget you’re a man.” Women were supposed to believe they could do it all and be well dressed, beautifully coiffed and perfumed at the same time. Well, as any woman who has tried to do everything for her family and succeed in her own career knows, that’s poppycock. (I can think of other words but I’m trying to keep it clean.) No woman, or man, can do everything, at least not at the same time. Something has to give.

You may be wondering what all of that has to do with writing. The answer is: everything. As writers, the thing we want to do more than anything else, is to write but there are times when other responsibilities must take precedence. For example, when we have a new book coming out, we need to devote a good portion of our time to promoting it. And, like everyone else, we writers have families and friends who sometimes need us and, as important as our writing is to us, the people we love are more important.

I’ve written five novels, my Malone mystery series, and I’m currently working on a standalone mystery. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things.

  1. I’ve learned to prioritize. Each morning, I make decisions as to what the most important things are for me to do that day. What has to be done? What should be done? And, what I’d like to get done if I have the time and the energy. I schedule my day and I make lots of lists.

  1.  I’ve learned not to feel guilty when I don’t accomplish everything I’ve set out to do that day and not to let anyone else make me feel guilty either. I can’t please all of the people all of the time; all I can do is what I can do!

  1. I’ve learned not to “bite off more than I can chew.” In other words, I try not to commit to more than I know (or think) I can handle. Sometimes, this results in missed opportunities to promote my books but I’d rather say “No” to an invitation than have to back out on something I’ve committed to.

  1. I’ve learned to take some time each day for me. After all, we are human beings, not human doings. A little time to myself soaking in a warm tub, reading a good book or sprawled out on the sofa watching TV can be just what I need to recharge my batteries. And, I've come to realize, "down time," when I'm not even thinking about writing, is often when I get some of my best ideas.

  1. I’ve learned to focus more on why I write than on my lack of online sales. I try not to equate the number of books I sell with success. Some days I do a great job of that; other days not so much. But, a very wise friend of mine once said, “Ninety percent of life is showing up.” So, each day, I sit at my desk, place my fingers on the keyboard and write. Because writing is my passion and who knows? Maybe someday. . . .

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June News

Mom's 88th birthday!

I'm thrilled to report that my mother is doing great (after a bit of a scare last month) and, in fact, she’ll celebrate her 88th birthday on June 18th! We spend a lot of time together and I thank God every day that I have her.

And, I’m slowly getting back to my regular writing routine, working on my next book. I have to admit that it's taking me some time to get re-acclimated after several weeks of being away from it. I had to re-read what I’d already written and to re-evaluate the plot. But, I’m getting there and I’m thankful for that too because my writing is so very important to me.

All of the above got me thinking about the connection between my personal life and my writing life. Because the two are definitely intertwined. True, one of the reasons I write (and read) fiction is to escape reality. But reality is at the core of my writing. Where else would the ideas for a novel (or a series) come from?

Family has always meant the world to me but family isn’t just the people who are related to us by blood. Family includes close friends and even ex-in laws. They say, “Blood is thicker than water,” but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, family members chose to walk away from their family. I think that’s very sad but it happens. By the same token, I have so many people in my life who aren’t related to me but who will always be a part of my family. The novel I’m currently writing reflects that and so do my Malone mysteries.

Here’s an overview of the series:

“The Malone Mystery Series isn’t just about the mystery. It’s the story of Ann Malone Kern and her family and the struggles they face. As the series progresses, you will see Ann and the other characters change and grow as they deal with a multitude of problems and are involved in several dangerous, sometimes life-threatening, situations. But through it all, the underlining message in each book is one of Hope.”

If you haven't read my Malone mysteries yet, I "hope" you will. 😃

Monday, May 1, 2017

May News

It’s been a busy couple of months but things have finally settled down a bit – at least when it comes to promoting my newest release, Marnie Malone. I don’t have any events or interviews scheduled for this month but of course, like everyone, there are always things that come up in my personal life that take me away from my desk. 

As I write this, I'm struggling to care for my eighty-seven year old mother. Mom just got home from a two-day stay in the hospital and she's having a hard time. I'm doing everything I can to help her. So, for right now, my writing is on hold. But, even when I’m not actually writing, my work-in-progress is constantly on my mind and I jot down ideas I have for the book.

I’m looking forward to getting back into my writing routine. I’m a morning writer. That’s when my mind is the clearest and I’m the most creative. I love when I can get up in the morning, have coffee and breakfast and then sit down at my computer. When I’m able to, I like to write every day. It helps me to stay in the story - to keep the momentum going. But sometimes that’s not possible. Sometimes, other responsibilities have to take precedence and I need to put my writing temporarily on hold. That happens to all of us; that’s reality.

But it can be true in fiction too. In my WIP (work in progress), a standalone romantic suspense novel,  the main character, Kate, is a single mother who longs to be a published novelist. In her words, “I want something on my tombstone besides Mother, daughter and sales clerk.” But, for years, Kate has put writing the novel she’s been plotting on hold as she deals with all of the other responsibilities in her life.

Sometimes, our lives and the people we love have to be our #1 priority. Maybe, like Kate, we’re raising a young child and working full-time or we could be caring for an elderly parent. Perhaps we have some health issues that are holding us back. No matter what the reason, we need to be careful that we don’t let anything stop us from pursuing our dreams.
