There are so many books out there and we want our books to “stand out in the crowd,” to be read by as many people as possible. After all, that’s why we write. We have something to say that we believe will benefit others.
Word of mouth, reviews and recommendations are crucial to the success or failure of a book. Words have power! The more positive reviews a book gets, the better its chances. By the same token, too many negative reviews can result in fewer readers.
One of my favorite quotes, “One man’s garbage is another man’s gold” says it all, which is why my personal policy is to NEVER write a review unless I believe a book deserves at least 4 stars.
Because reviewing a book is not the same thing as reviewing a toaster.
The toaster either performs as it’s supposed to or it doesn’t. If you review the toaster, you’re helping others to make a decision as to whether or not they should buy it. That’s a good thing.
But a book review is subjective, based solely on the reviewer’s opinion. Not on fact. Because the fact is we all have different tastes. I might not like a book you would love and vice versa.
So, if you're ever tempted to write a negative review for a book, please think twice. Ask yourself this question: Do I want to be a book promoter or a book basher?