I saw (and shared) a cartoon on Facebook, which gave me the idea for this post.
It read “If you want to eliminate stress, turn off the news and turn on the
music.” Great advice!
Many years ago, I made a commitment to myself to be happy and I’m determined to do everything I can to honor that commitment. No matter what! So, if that means missing out on the latest plane crash, mass murder or other tragedy, so be it! Terrible things have always happened and, unfortunately, they probably always will. My knowing about them won’t change that but it could put a damper on my day and my spirit.
I start each day with a prayer, thanking God for all my many
blessings. I look out my window and thank Him for the beautiful world He
Then, I turn on the radio to my favorite station. Some days I dance and other days I don't but the music definitely lifts my spirits.
Throughout the day, I do my best to see the good things and the
good people around me ( I am blessed with a supportive family and good friends who are always there for me) because I’ve learned that, if we focus on the positive, we’ll attract good things and good people but, if we focus on the
negative, well, you get my point. Some days are easier than others.
When a negative thought comes to me, I do my best to replace it with
a positive thought because I know that what I think will dictate how I
feel. That includes finding humor, smiling and laughing, wherever and whenever I can and taking things one day at a time.
I read! I love a good mystery and, when I immerse myself in the
world of the fictional characters, my problems and the world’s problems
disappear, at least temporarily.
we want to be happy, each of us has to do whatever it takes to be (and stay) positive and we each have our own way of doing that. What works best for you?