Sometimes, when we close our eyes at night, our minds refuse to let go of our problems. We're tired, we're sleepy, but sleep refuses to come because our minds are busy obsessing about one thing or another. So, how do we stop that from happening?
I can't speak for anyone else but I can tell you what works for me most of the time. I read in bed every single night. As a matter-of-fact, I can't go to sleep without reading at least a chapter or two - usually a lot more. Why does this work? Because no matter what problems I have, when I get into a good story with a main character I've come to care about, I become more concerned about what's happening with (and to) them and my problems move to the back of my mind.
Here's an example: As I write this post, I'm reading After the Storm, a Kate Burkholder novel, by Linda Castillo. I've read several books in the series and highly recommend them all. In this book, Kate is faced with some very serious personal and professional issues and, as I turn the pages, Kate's problems overshadow mine.
When I close the book for the night - usually when I can't keep my eyes open another second, any thoughts I have are about Kate's situation - not mine. And, before I know it, I'm asleep, secure in the knowledge that I can pick up where I left off tomorrow night and that, by the end of the book, the author will have resolved all of Kate's problems and tied up all loose ends.
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https://tinyurl.com/y7cn6x2y |
By coincidence, my new release, Secrets in Storyville, also has a main character named Kate, who has a big decision to make. Should she reveal the secrets she's uncovered even though doing that could destroy her family? As you turn the pages, I hope you will come to care about Kate and her problems and that you will forget about your own - at least for a little while. Happy Reading!