Sunday, October 7, 2018

Moving on


On September 30th, my publisher and I mutually agreed to terminate our contract for my Malone mysteries. Eric, my publisher, had told me shortly after he published Mixed Messages that at some point many authors who are published by small presses will choose to move on – to go in a different direction. At the time, I was so thrilled to see my first novel in print that I couldn’t even imagine that. I will always be grateful to Post Mortem Press for giving me my start.

However, I decided a few months ago that it was time to do just that - to move on. I knew I needed to create new covers and to format all five of my books so I got busy. And I do mean busy! As I struggled to accomplish my goal, I tried very hard to think of the project as a challenge. But, trust me, along the way I used lots of other words to describe what I was trying to do. Some of them not suitable for this post. Because it was a daunting and very frustrating task. (I’m not a blonde but the picture above is an accurate depiction of how I felt at times.)

Fortunately, prior to that, I had written and self-published Secrets in Storyville, a small town mystery separate from my series. With a lot of help from my friends, I managed to do it and I learned so much along the way.

So I’m happy to report that I’m now in the process of self-publishing the "second" editions of my five Malone mysteries. In the next few weeks, I’ll post the new covers and, when available, the new amazon links to the books. I hope you'll stop back to check them out and, if you haven't yet read my series, here's your "second" chance.