Showing posts with label Marnie Malone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marnie Malone. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March News

All writers know the feeling of anticipation that comes when we finally have a release date for our new book. After all, we’ve spent months and months plotting, writing, editing and proofreading our manuscript. Then, we either send it off to our publisher or we begin the process of self-publishing. Either way, it’s a long road.

So, when we finally get to the end of that road, we feel an unbelievable relief but also a lot of apprehension. Will people buy our book? Will they like it? Will they review it? The list goes on and on and I’m not even mentioning the time and effort we put forth to promote our book, which starts before its publication and continues, well, forever.

Which is why I’m thrilled to tell you that this is going to be a very exciting month for me! Here’s a list of this month’s events:

On March 6th, I will be a guest on author Marilyn Levinson’s blog. My topic is “How one book became a series.”

March 11th, I will be signing and selling copies of Marnie Malone, my fifth Malone mystery, at Colerain High School in Cincinnati.

On March 12th, my post on author Madeline (M.M.) Gornell’s blog will give an overview of my Malone mystery series and, of course, I talk about my new book.

March 13th I'll be featured on author Marja McGraw's blog. "Just in time for St. Patrick's Day." 

March 14th is the day that Marnie Malone will officially be released.
Amazon link:
Barnes & Noble link:

Here's the direct amazon link for Marnie Malone: 

It’s also the day that author, Amy Reade, is interviewing me on her blog.

March 20th - author Jacqueline Seewald is interviewing me on her blog.

March 27 - author Jean Henry Mead has invited me to do a post on Mysterious Writers. My topic is "Why I became a mystery writer."

March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day. I’m including this date because Ann and Marnie, the two main characters in my series, are of Irish descent. And, the holiday has a very special significance in Marnie Malone.

Until next time:

“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February News

I'm thrilled to announce that my publisher, Post Mortem Press, will release "Marnie Malone," the fifth Malone mystery, in early March! (I'll update this post when I know the exact date.) Update: Marnie Malone will be released on March 14th! Here's the link to pre-order the Kindle version:

When my first Malone mystery, "Mixed Messages," was accepted for publication, I was ecstatic! Finally, after many, many years, my "baby" was going to be "born." And, when I held a copy in my hands for the first time, I remember cradling it to my chest, as if it were a real baby. With each new book, my excitement returns.

Although Ann Malone Kern is the main character in the first four books, her sister, Marnie, plays an important part in Ann's life and in two of the books. At some point, I realized that Marnie deserved to have a leading role in a book. So, that's how "Marnie Malone" came about. Here's a preview:

Someone is stalking Marnie.

It’s Marnie’s last week at the law firm of Cliburn & Reeves and she feels like she’s riding an emotional roller coaster. Up when she wins the divorce and custody battle for Callie Jackson against her abusive husband, Jed. And plummeting down when one witness after another decides not to testify against Mark Hall, an attorney at another Charleston firm and an “alleged” serial rapist.

Marnie receives one threat after another and she constantly feels the need to look over her shoulder, convinced that someone is stalking her. With Sam out of town on business, she’s alone in the big, old farmhouse and strange things are happening. Noises in the attic, creaking floorboards and someone watching her from the woods.

As she tries to determine the identity of the stalker, the list of men who have grudges against her grows longer each day. In her line of work she’s made enemies. Is the stalker someone from the past or one of the men on her list? And, how far will he go?

Sunday, January 1, 2017

January News

I love beginnings. A new year is a fresh start, a chance to try new things, to experiment. In life and in writing. And that’s exactly what I’m doing as I work on writing my new suspense novel. It’s a standalone, separate from my mystery series, with a new cast of characters, a different setting and a plot that I hope will keep you on the edge of your seat. And, now that the holidays are coming to an end, it's back to business. I'm looking forward to having more time to work on my WIP (work in progress).  

But, sometimes, it feels as if there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I want to do. I work hard on prioritizing, focusing on what's most important and/or what needs to be done first. My writing is so important to me but so is my mother, other family members and my friends. I need to constantly remind myself not to get so caught up in my fictional world that I neglect my real world and the people in it. And vice versa. Because my writing needs to be a priority, I have to be careful that I don't let "life" get in the way of it. For a writer, it's a constant juggling act.

There’s so much to look forward to in the New Year. On the top of my list is the publication of my fifth Malone mystery, Marnie Malone, early this year. (I’ll keep you posted.) 

I’ll update “January News” throughout the month. In the meantime, if you’re a writer with a book coming out this month or a reader with a writing-related question, please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!
Happy New Year!
Update 1/26: "Phantom Baby" by Sharon Love Cook, although not technically a mystery, kept me turning the pages - in suspense - long past my bedtime.
Update 1/19: "Dead, Bath and Beyond" by Lorraine Bartlett is a fantastic edition to a fantastic series! If you haven't read the Victoria Square mysteries, I urge you to do so.
Update 1/12: "Hutchins Creek Cache" is the second book I've read and reviewed this month. I love the Paige Mackenzie mystery series by Deborah Garner and this book was another great one.
Update 1/7: I just finished reading (and reviewing) "The Tarkington Treasure" by Evelyn Cullet. If you enjoy spooky old houses, hidden treasure and murder, you'll love this book as much as I did.