Sunday, March 13, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Ann Malone Kern, the main character in my Malone mysteries, is of Irish descent but, as far as I know, I don’t have a drop of Irish blood in my veins. However, we both live in Cincinnati, a city where the Irish played an important role. Next to the Germans, they were the largest group of immigrants between 1840 and 1910.

Cincinnati was a major destination for immigrants from Ireland who left their homeland because, due to the potato blight and resulting famine in their country, they couldn’t pay their mortgages and they were starving. Many were poor, spoke English with a brogue and were Roman Catholic with large families. Some came with nothing more than a few pieces of clothing.

The city offered many opportunities for work on the riverfront, digging for the Miami and Erie Canal and on railroad construction. Although most had hoped to become farmers, with no money and desperate to feed their families, when they arrived in the Queen City, many Irish took jobs that were dangerous and unskilled with low pay.

Through the years, the Irish have contributed greatly to our city’s growth and culture. During the Civil War, the Irish formed several militia units, which became the core of the Ohio 10th Regiment. Later, many became policemen and firemen, some were prosperous in industry and others were active in politics.

Today, we have The Irish Heritage Center of Greater Cincinnati. The IHC was founded to promote the Irish Culture through the study of customs, dance, education, film, genealogy, history, language, lectures, literature, music, mythology, poetry, social interaction, song, sport, theater and the visual arts.

Cincinnati's Irish Festival

And the annual St. Patrick's Day parade!

   “May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Three Things To Make You Happy

Jan and me in Mt. Pleasant, SC

When I originally posted this essay in June 2014, I had such a positive response that I decided to update it and post it again.

I've heard it said that it takes three things to make a person happy: someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to. That makes perfect sense to me.

Of course, someone to love doesn't necessarily mean you have to be in a "relationship." It can be your spouse or significant other but it can also be your child, a close friend, a family member or a combination of any or all of them.

Although I'm divorced and not currently in a romantic relationship, I am blessed with so many wonderful people in my life, good friends and family, and I love them all. I'm especially grateful to have my eighty-six year old mother living right across the hall from me.

Something to do can mean a job you enjoy, a cause you're committed to, a hobby or a passion. The important element is that it be something that gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning and that it gives you a feeling of satisfaction and makes you feel you've been productive at the end of the day.

For me, that something is writing. Each morning, I look forward to some phase of my writing process. I'm either plotting, researching, writing, editing and/or promoting my Malone Mystery series. Writing is my passion and it's been my life-long dream to become a published author.

And now we've come to something to look forward to. That can be almost anything you're eagerly anticipating. A vacation, a visit from a friend, a promotion at work, anything.

Throughout the year, I try to schedule outings with friends, book signings and other events so that I almost always have something to look forward to. But, the highlight of the year is my annual vacation. Last year, my good friend, Jan, and I traveled to Mt. Pleasant and Charleston, South Carolina. The trip was for rest and relaxation but it was also for research for my fifth Malone mystery. The 3 Rs. This year, we're planning a trip to Ocean City, Maryland. We're running into some scheduling glitches but I have my fingers crossed that our plans will work out.

I've shared the three things in my life that combine to make me happy and now I'd love to hear from you. If you leave a comment, you'll be automatically entered to win a signed copy of my third Malone Mystery, Desperate Deeds
And, if you'd like another chance to win, I've scheduled a Giveaway on Goodreads beginning Wednesday at midnight. Scroll to the bottom of this screen to enter. 
Happy Reading!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Are you ready for Spring?

Yes, I know I'm jumping the gun. It's only February 28th and we've got a few more weeks to go until Spring officially arrives. But I'm eagerly anticipating the end of Winter. As Winters go, this hasn't been a bad one in Cincinnati. We've had cold weather, some snow and a lot of gray, gloomy days but, all things considered, I probably shouldn't complain. Many parts of the country have had far worse and we have too in past years. Still, I'll be happy to see it go. 

Although March is called "the cruelest month," my father thought  February was. Although it's a short month, he said, it seems to last forever. He always smiled as he flipped the calendar to March, eager for Spring to arrive so he could spend his days outside, working in the yard instead of cooped up in the house

In Desperate Deeds, Ann Malone Kern, the main character in my Malone mystery series, is thrilled to see Spring arrive.

"As Ann Kern starts her new business as an interior decorator, the temperatures have risen, tulips and daffodils are in bloom and there’s a feeling of endless possibilities in the air. She has no idea that her world is about to be turned upside down.

When Janis Riley, a woman for whom money is no object, contacts Ann to redecorate her house, she is elated. But the initial visit with her first client leaves her with mixed emotions. Why did Janis react so strangely to seeing a photo of Ann’s six-year-old son, Davey?

But Ann has bigger problems. Her husband, David, a recovering alcoholic, has lost both his mother and his job and Ann worries that he’ll start drinking again. To add to her concerns, their next-door-neighbor, Dorothy Baker, is severely depressed but Ann’s efforts to help her are rebuffed.

Ann is terrified when she wakes up the day before Easter to find Davey gone. Another child, Kelly Kramer, has been missing since December. Where are the children? And what, if anything, can Ann do to get her son back?"

If you'd like to step into Springtime and a mystery, Desperate Deeds is available in paper and eBook formats at:
Happy Reading!