Sunday, November 11, 2018

New Release: Tangled Webs

Too many people are telling lies: The husband of the murder victim and his secretary, the victim’s boss and co-workers in the day care center, her stalker, and Detective Milligan’s daughter. 

Marilyn (F.M.) Meredith

No Matter how Bad it Got, I Never Gave Up

Not many authors have had publishers die on them (two), be struck down by a stroke (one), turn out to be out-and-out crooks (three), decide that because of circumstances not to continue with the publishing business (two.)

Yep, that really happened to me, plus more.

The first to die was early on in my writing career. A publisher accepted my novel but told me I had to get it camera ready. This was long before the Internet. I had a friend who was a computer expert and had a computer store, he showed me what to do on one of his computers. For several weeks, I went to the store at 6 a.m. and worked diligently. When it was ready, I sent it to the publisher. Waited a while, then heard from his wife that he’d died.

I crossed paths with the crooks early on too. Two started out honest and actually published books. One in Canada made the decision to keep all profits and skipped out. The other in the U.S., gambled away his profits and went to jail. The third, who charged for publishing services, didn’t come through with the books.

One publisher had something happen in her family that caused her decision to quit the business—the other, after printing two books in the Rocky Bluff P.D. series, decided the business wasn’t for her.

The previous publisher of this series was a good friend—and a stroke took away her ability to run her business, and finally her life. Sad on all counts.

Of course, I didn’t receive the royalties I earned from most of them. That’s like working and never receiving a paycheck.

Believe it or not, there were other hurdles, but I never gave up. I kept on writing and looking for new publishers.

So what would make someone so driven to keep on going? In my case, the love of writing and the fact that I wanted to know what happened next in the lives of the characters I’d created.

Bio: F. M. Meredith who is also known as Marilyn once lived in a beach town much like Rocky Bluff. She has many friends and relatives in law enforcement. She’s a member of MWA, 3 chapters of Sisters in Crime and serves on the PSWA Board.

Facebook: Marilyn Meredith
Twitter: @marilynmeredith

Once again I’m trotting over to visit Thonie Hevron at and revealing what I think is the biggest plus of being a mystery writer.