Saturday, April 28, 2012

True Story: Cincinnati Strangler terrorized city

In 1965-1966, my main interests were boys, learning how to drive so I could get my driver’s license and school, pretty much in that order. So I paid little attention to the news, never realizing how what was going on then (in my city) would mirror the novel I would write many years later.
You see, I learned something this past week that actually gave me chills. From October 1965 to December 1966, a man attacked, raped and murdered seven Cincinnati women. He strangled them, using either an article of their own clothing or something that was readily available to him. With one exception, the women were attacked in their homes. The media dubbed him “The Cincinnati Strangler.”
In the aftermath of the thirteen female victims attributed to the Boston Strangler from 1962-1964, fear gripped Cincinnati women when the headlines reported the grisly attacks taking place in their city. “It changed Cincinnati,” Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said years later. “I know it’s a cliché, but it was a loss of innocence for the community.”
The Cincinnati Police apprehended Posteal Laskey, a cab driver, after the last attack. He was arrested and convicted of the seventh murder. He never confessed to having committed any of the crimes but the attacks stopped when he was taken into custody. He died in prison in 2007.
If you’ve read Mixed Messages, much of this will sound familiar to you. Although I didn’t know about the Cincinnati Strangler when I wrote my novel, there are so many similarities between what I wrote and what actually happened. Hence, the chills!
In the book, the Westwood Strangler attacks women in their homes and he uses whatever is at hand to strangle them – just like The Cincinnati Strangler.
The Westwood Strangler is on the loose in Westwood, on the west side of Cincinnati. One of the victims of the Cincinnati Strangler lived in Price Hill, which borders Westwood, and all of his attacks occurred within a few miles of Westwood.
Without giving away my plot for Unfinished Business, the second book in my Malone mystery series, I’ll let you in on a secret: the total number of victims for the Cincinnati Strangler and the Westwood Strangler is exactly the same!
          Was it merely a coincidence that what I wrote all those years later so strongly paralleled what really happened? Or, even though I don’t consciously remember the news stories, did my subconscious retain bits and pieces for all those years? I guess we’ll never know.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Getting to know Marilyn Meredith

I’m honored to have Marilyn Meredith with us today. Marilyn Meredith, also known as F.M. Meredith, is the author of over thirty published novels. Her latest in the Rocky Bluff P.D. crime series, from Oak Tree Press, is No Bells.
Marilyn and her daughter, Dana, in Sedona
Marilyn, you’ve had quite a career! Where did you grow up? Did your childhood contribute to your desire to be a writer?
 I was born in Glendale, CA and grew up in Los Angeles. My childhood revolved around books and movies. My dad worked for Paramount Studios and came home with all sorts of tales about the stars—not always flattering. Didn’t discourage me though, I read all the movie magazines and collected movie star autographs. Back when I was kid, the actresses and actors appeared on radio shows which I went to with my mom. Afterwards, I hung out in the parking lot to get autographs. I had a big imagination and always wrote stories and plays.
Where do you live now? Do you use that locale for settings in your novels?
We live in the foothills of the Sierra and in my Deputy Tempe Crabtree series, the setting is in the mountains in a town similar to the one I live in. My Rocky Bluff P.D. series is set in a fictional small beach community between Santa Barbara and Ventura. For over twenty years, we lived in a small beach community—so the answer is I like to write about places I know intimately even though I change them around a bit.
What inspired you to write your most recent novel?
No Bells, the latest in the series, focuses on Officer Gordon Butler. Things never seem to go well for him and this book is no exception. He has a new love and she is the prime suspect in a murder case. I write about people in law enforcement for several reasons, over the years many of my family members and friends have been in law enforcement. I love to hear their stories. In most cases, none of them are anything like what you see in the movies and on TV. My intention has always been to show how the job affects the families and what’s going on in the family affects the job. 
Did you plan to write a series before or after you wrote the first book?
With the Rocky Bluff P.D. series, I had no intention of writing any more than Final Respects, but when I was done I wanted to know what happened to all those people in the Rocky Bluff P.D. and their families. Because different characters have what I call starring parts in each book, I just kept on going.
Name three of your favorite authors in the mystery genre.
I love so many authors, big names and small. I look forward to any new book by Jan Burke, William Kent Krueger and James Lee Burke, but there are so many lesser-knowns that are excellent writers and I could go on for pages, but to name a few, W.S. Gager, M. M. Gornell, Michael Orenduff and Patricia Gligor.
I certainly won’t argue with that! What are your favorite things to do when you’re not reading or writing?
 I still love movies. At least a couple of times a month, hubby and I take in one of the new movies, and we watch movies on DVDs in the evenings. I go to a lot of writing related activities like mystery cons, writing conferences, book festivals and the like. Many of these require traveling, often to my favorite places in California like the Central Coast.
It sounds like you enjoy traveling. What are some of your other favorite places?
Yes, I like to travel, and as an author, I’ve been afforded the opportunity to go many places I might not have otherwise. I’ve been twice to Alaska where I visited a remote village and talked to school kids, became friends with a young Native Alaskan and visited her home and met her family. I was invited to be an instructor at the Maui Writers Retreat. I’ve gone to many mystery cons all over the U.S. from New Orleans to Wisconsin, Chicago and El Paso and San Antonio, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Sacramento and many other places. Some of my most fun vacations with family have been tent camping across the country and traveling with my daughter and her husband in their motor home.
         How would you describe yourself personality wise?
I am extremely loyal to my friends. I don’t like gossip or people who do it. I am a Christian and I try to live up to biblical standards. Don’t get me wrong, I’m nowhere near perfect. Though I only have one sister, between the two of us we have a huge family. Hubby and I raised five kids, we now have eighteen grandkids and twelve great-grands. Family is important to me and I love being around them.
         What’s your favorite color? Why?
Blue, all shades. I think perhaps it’s linked to the ocean. When I was growing up, going to the beach was a regular summer activity. I loved swimming in the ocean, something I continued to do after I was grown and had a family. I don’t remember the water being cold at all. I swam any chance I got, going out beyond the waves in the daytime or night. (I can’t even imagine doing that now though I still enjoy heading to the beach, smelling the salt air, and enjoying the view.)
What’s your answer to this question? If I won a million dollars, I would ------
help people in my family and my church. (We have lots of poor people in both—in fact our church has a wonderful food pantry and the gal who is charge says she gives out food every day.)
Thanks for being with us today, Marilyn. It’s been a pleasure!
To learn more about Marilyn and to be eligible to win three of her books, see the information below.
CONTEST: The person who comments on the most blogs on her tour will win three books in the Rocky Bluff P.D. series: No Sanctuary, An Axe to Grind, and Angel Lost. Be sure to leave your email too, so Marilyn  can contact you.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Preview of coming attractions

 So far, April has been a busy, wonderful month for me. The book launch for Mixed Messages, the first novel in my Malone mystery series, was a success and Mixed Messages was officially released on Amazon April 17th. Exciting! But, there's more to come. Actually, as the song says, I've "only just begun."

I hope you’ll stop back for the following events:

Tuesday, April 24 – Award winning author, Marilyn Meredith, will be joining us as part of her blog tour for No Bells; she will be my featured guest for April’s “Getting to know you” post.

Saturday, April 28 - Morgen Bailey will post my “Author Spotlight” on her blog.

Saturday, May 5 – Anne K. Albert will interview me on her blog.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Book Launch Event for "Mixed Messages"

I'm thrilled to say that the book launch event for Mixed Messages was a success! So many family members and friends showed up to buy a signed copy of my book that I was overwhelmed. Thank you all! Here are some photos from the event.

My publisher's mother, my publisher, Eric, me and Eric's wife, Stephanie
           My wonderful Mom!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Upcoming Events

Well, today’s the day of my book launch. (Did you hear me yell, “Yippee”?) I will be selling and signing copies of Mixed Messages from 1-3 at Zen and Now Coffee House on Bridgetown Road. I hope to see you there!

As soon as possible, I’ll post some photos (God and Kodak willing) from the event. In the meantime, here’s my schedule for the next few weeks. I hope you’ll stop by and, as always, your comments are greatly appreciated.

Sunday, April 15 - I will host the local book launch event for Mixed Messages, the first novel in my Malone mystery series. Here’s a description of the book in 29 words:

A serial killer is on the loose in Westwood. Is it someone close to Ann? With all the mixed messages she’s been getting, she can’t be sure it’s not.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of my friends and, hopefully, to meeting some new people.

Tuesday, April 17 - Mixed Messages will be released, available at and Needless to say, I’m very excited!

Tuesday, April 24 – Award winning author, Marilyn Meredith, will be joining us as part of her blog tour for No Bells; she will be my featured guest for April’s “Getting to know you” post.

Saturday, April 28 - Morgen Bailey will post my “Author Spotlight” on her blog.

Saturday, May 5 – Anne K. Albert will interview me on her blog.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Getting to know William Doonan

I’m pleased to welcome author, William Doonan, as my guest today.  My blog is one stop on his tour to promote the recent release of his archeological mystery,  American Caliphate, which was published by Oak Tree Press.

William, let’s start with the basics.  Where did you grow up and did your childhood contribute to your desire to be a writer?

I grew up in New Jersey, but when I was nine, my family moved to Puerto Rico for three years.  It was a great experience.  When you’re young, languages load easily, so it wasn’t long before I was speaking Spanish with my new friends.  That fluency would help me a great deal later in life when I became an archaeologist working in Central America.

Both my parents are teachers, so we always had books in the house.  We had a coffee table so cluttered with books that you couldn’t even see the table.  Years later I would learn that there never was a table there to begin with, just the books.

That’s hilarious! Your parents sound like my kind of people. I love books! So, where do you live now and do you use that locale for settings in your novels?  If not, how do you choose your settings?

I live in Sacramento, CA, and so far, I have not set anything locally.  I travel a lot, so I’m more likely to pick a locale from my wanderings.  My first two mysteries, Grave Passage and Mediterranean Grave recount the adventures of Henry Grave, an octogenarian detective who solves crimes on cruise ships.  As such, those books are set at sea.  I’m a college professor, and during the summers, I lecture on board cruise ships, so that gave me the idea for that setting.

American Caliphate is set on the north coast of Peru, where I worked for several years excavating a pre-Inca pyramid complex.  It’s a perfect setting for a novel; it has pyramids, mummies, skeletons everywhere (really old ones). 

You definitely choose intriguing settings for your novels. I enjoyed reading Mediterranean Grave and I’m looking forward to reading American Caliphate. Did the inspiration for your characters/or plot come from people you know, a specific place, or personal experience?

Working on an archaeological excavation is about as much fun as I can imagine.  So I definitely try to bring that across in the book.  Each excavation is different, and each is life-changing.  I learned so much down there, working on those pyramids, and I became positive that I was only getting at about 10% of the secrets they held.  I decided I would invent the other 90%, and that’s where my story comes from.

As for the people, they are wholly invented, though some are composites of characters I’ve run across.  Here’s a blurb about American Caliphate: 

Archaeologists Jila Wells and Ben Juarez are not thrilled at the prospect of returning to Peru; the ambush that nearly cost Jila her life still haunts her.  But the ruined pyramids at Santiago de Paz hide an important document that would shock the Islamic world.  Professor Sandy Beckham is assembling a distinguished team to dig quickly through the pyramid complex, following clues found in the diary of a wealthy Muslim woman who lived in Spain five centuries ago. 

In the diary are details of an illegal expedition to Spanish Peru in three well-armed ships.  Convinced that Spain was forever lost to Islam, Diego Ibanez intended to bring the word of Allah to the pagan Americans.  Landing on Peru’s north coast, he learned that the fires of the Inquisition burned even hotter there than they did in Spain.

As the archaeologists brace for the ravaging storms of El Niño, Jila and Ben hurry to complete their excavations.  But they’re not the only ones interested in this project.  Other forces are determined that the document remain hidden.  Should it be discovered, a challenge could be made under Islamic testamentary law to the throne of Saudi Arabia.  And the House of Saud has no interest in sharing power with an American caliphate that might now awaken from a five hundred year slumber.

William, your book sounds wonderful. Thank you for being with us today.
If you’d like to check out William’s novel, it’s available now at some of the larger archaeology-themed bookstores near you, and on -

Also, for more reading, William blogs about undead conquistador mummies at