Sunday, July 27, 2014

What's next?

I love writing my Malone mystery series and working on a new book for the series is always exciting. Plotting the story line, choosing the setting and showing how my characters change and grow from one book to the next is a welcome challenge.  My characters aren’t the only ones who grow with each book though. As a writer, I learn new things about writing every day and I constantly work to improve my craft. My goal is to make each book better than the one before it.

My current WIP (work in progress) will be the fourth novel in my series. In it, Ann Malone Kern, the main character, and her two young children, Danielle and Davey, leave Cincinnati and fly to South Carolina for a much needed vacation. Ann’s older sister, Marnie, who lives in Mt. Pleasant, has rented a condo on Fripp Island for the four of them. 

I chose Fripp Island because, having visited there, I felt it had the “atmosphere” for the story I’m telling.  It's very important to me to "know" a place if I'm going to write about it. So, in addition to spending time on Fripp and taking lots of pictures, I’ve supplemented my knowledge of the island with research. Yes, my books are fiction but I want them to be accurate too. 

In this fourth book, Ann wants nothing more than to gaze at the ocean and to relax. I plan to give her a little time to do that but I’m also placing her in the middle of solving a murder. Sorry, Ann, maybe next time. Or, maybe not. After all, I do write mysteries.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Getting to know Bob White

My guest today is Bob White, the main character in Jan Dunlap’s Birder Mystery series. Let’s get to know him.

Patricia: Bob, what’s your occupation and how did you come to choose it?

Bob: I’m a counselor at Savage High School in Savage, Minnesota. At least, that’s what I put on my tax returns, since that’s my paying occupation. My REAL occupation, or maybe I should say pre-occupation, is birding. I live and breathe to go birding, to track down and see or hear every bird I can find. Unfortunately, in the last few years, I seem to be developing a bad habit of finding bodies when I’m birding – as in human dead bodies. I guess you could say that the ‘mystery’ of nature has taken on new meaning for me, because every time I find a body, I invariably end up having to solve a crime and find a murderer, when all I wanted was to find a new bird for my life list!

Patricia: What are your favorite things to do when you’re not working?

Bob: Bird. Bird. Ah…bird. Eat my wife’s cooking. She’s an excellent chef. Bird.

Patricia: Are you married or involved in a serious relationship? Tell us about that.

Bob: Yes, I am married now, and it’s a very serious relationship, although the first time I proposed to my wife, it was because I was thinking about ducks that mated for life more than about getting married myself. You can find that story in my first adventure The Boreal Owl Murder, by the way. Luce, my wife, is also a birder in her free time. In fact, we first met on a group birding trip in northwestern Minnesota, looking for a Northern Hawk Owl. We spent two days crammed into the back of the group leader’s little car, so we couldn’t exactly avoid each other.

Patricia: Tell us about one of your most memorable “adventures.” What drew you into the mystery?

Bob: The mother of one of my students was murdered, and it was my mother who found the body when I took her birding as a Mother’s Day surprise. The day didn’t quite turn out as I had planned. Then my student almost got me arrested and her brother punched me in the nose. I had my car tires shot out, and one of my 10th grade girls’ softball players finally mastered her home-run swing to save her Prom date from getting killed. That was pretty memorable. That was my second adventure Murder on Warbler Weekend.

Patricia: Do you like to travel? If so, what are some of your favorite places to go and/or what was your favorite vacation? Have any of your travels involved solving a mystery?

Bob: I love traveling! Generally, my traveling is around Minnesota since I’m working on setting a record for seeing the most bird species in the state, but whenever I have a chance to go out-of-state and see more birds, I take off. In Falcon Finale, my fourth adventure, I headed to Flagstaff, Arizona, but my new habit followed me, and I ended up solving a cold murder case from twenty years back. Right now, I’m finishing off my seventh adventure, which took place along the Rio Grande Valley in Texas last winter, and I’ll tell you right now, it involved a lot more than just fresh grapefruit and sunshine! Birding is always a wild ride when I’m in town…

The Bob White Birder Murder Mysteries

Jan Dunlap is a writer, speaker, birdwatcher, and mother of five children. A former Army brat, she currently makes her home in Minnesota while she devises plot twists in her humorous Bob White Birder Murder Mystery series. Jan holds a BA in English from Regis University in Denver, an MA in Theology from St. Catherine University in St. Paul, and an MA in English Studies from Minnesota State University-Mankato. Her humorous spiritual memoir titled "Saved by Gracie: How a rough-and-tumble rescue dog dragged me back to health, happiness, and God" recounts how her dog helped her overcome a growing anxiety disorder and explores current research into pet and nature therapy. Jan welcomes visitors to her website at and hopes you’ll subscribe to her monthly newsletter for laughter and book news.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Need to Disconnect

When someone asks for my cell phone number and I tell them I don’t have a cell phone, they almost always look at me as if I have two heads. It’s inconceivable to them that, in this day and age, a person would choose not to have a cell phone. Every time this happens, I’m smiling because, to me, it’s inconceivable that anyone would choose to be “on call” all of the time. I know. I know. You can always turn it off. But, how many people do?

This desire, this need, to be connected all of the time baffles me because that’s the last thing I want. Please don't misunderstand; I enjoy being around people and talking to my friends but I prefer to be where I am with the people who are there. If someone wants to contact me, they can reach me at home when I'm home or leave a message on my voice-mail if I'm not and I'll get back to them. Most of the time, it’s not all that urgent. If it would be a matter of life or death, since I'm not God, I probably couldn’t do anything about it anyway.

Several years ago, I went on vacation with a friend who was constantly either making or taking a call on her cell phone. First of all, I thought it was extremely rude but, more than anything, I felt sorry for her. She lacked the ability to disconnect, to leave problems and idle gossip behind and enjoy her time away from work and family obligations. And she wondered why she was always stressed and frazzled.

So much of our time is spent taking care of responsibilities (job, children, elderly parents, etc.) and dealing with reality that I think it’s important – make that crucial – to take time out to escape. Of course, we’re all different. Some people need more time to themselves than others but I think everyone needs to disconnect sometimes. To have uninterrupted time to themselves. I'm not talking about watching TV, listening to music or even reading a book. I'm talking about time to daydream. Time to recharge their batteries. Time to just be. Quiet time without anyone around and definitely without the sound of a phone announcing that someone is calling or texting.

Do you take the time to have “alone” time or do you prefer to be “connected” to other people all or most of the time? Just wondering.