Sunday, November 20, 2016


The first American Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621, when the pilgrims, thankful for their bountiful harvest in the new land and their Indian friends, gathered together to praise God and to express their gratitude. Since then, Thanksgiving has traditionally been a day to celebrate all the things for which we are grateful. One day, out of three hundred sixty-five days in a year, when many families sit around their dining room tables, hold hands and tell, one at a time, what they’re grateful for. Which is wonderful but. . . .

What about the other three hundred sixty-four days? We’re all busy living our lives; we can easily get so caught up in work, writing and/or other responsibilities that we take things and people for granted. We forget to stop to appreciate all that we have and to be thankful for our many blessings. We need to remember that each day is a gift, a present.  

Do we get up in the morning, thankful to be alive? Are we determined to make the most of each day or do we slog through life, bitter and complaining? Do we notice all the little things that go wrong in our day or do we focus on the ones that go right? There’s so much beauty in the world. Do we take time to appreciate and enjoy nature? Do we tell the important people in our lives how much they mean to us? Do we stop to give thanks (and credit) to others who encourage and support us?

I think of gratitude as an attitude we should strive to possess and express every day, not just on Thanksgiving. In our complicated world, often, the simplest words can have the greatest meaning. The following lines, from a poem I learned as a child, sum it up. “Thank you for the world so sweet. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you, God, for everything.”

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Five reasons to give books for Christmas

“Black Friday,” the busiest shopping day of the year, will arrive next week. Whether you enjoy braving the crowds or prefer to stay home that day, the holiday shopping season will have officially begun. 
Are you struggling to come up with just the right gift for each person on your shopping list? In the interest of offering a suggestion, let me ask you another question: Is someone on your list a reader? If so, here are a few reasons to give that person a book – or books – for Christmas.
  • Readers (including myself) love nothing more than getting a book as a gift. Trust me on this one; they will be very happy and appreciative.
  • Books last forever, unlike an article of clothing that will eventually wear out. The book you bought will be placed on a bookshelf, a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness. 
  • You get a lot of bang for your buck. Most books aren’t expensive, especially when you consider the hours of pleasure a book offers a reader.
  • There are thousands of books in different genres out there, which means you can choose the type of book each person likes to read. Some people are mystery lovers. Others read romance, etc. By tailoring your choices to their individual preferences you’re showing them that you put thought (and love) into your gift.
  •  You’ll be providing someone with hours of escape and entertainment and, let’s face it, that’s something most of us could use these days.
I hope I’ve convinced you to consider giving books as gifts for Christmas. Most titles are available on Amazon and other online sites and/or can be ordered through your local bookstore. And, who knows, while you’re searching for a gift, you might just find a book you want to read.