Friday, December 7, 2012

Welcome Jean Lauzier

Jean Lauzier   
Cande Hernadez is the product of a chat room discussion of character names and the stereotypical things attributed to them.  She started out as Candy; kind of sweet, being teased by her male co-workers and not very memorable. I put her aside and continued with other characters until challenged to write a short piece for Halloween.
Having Halloween in mind, I thought Candy would be the perfect name to use. I even planned to have someone comment how much he’d like to find her in his trick-or-treat bag. But then I realized, she wouldn’t put up with that kind of remark. She may be a nice person but she demands respect, especially from her co-workers. It was about this time I realized she was Hispanic and her name really was Candelaria, Cande for short.
The more I got to know her, the more I liked her. Raised in the small East Texas town of DryLake, she often had to stand up for herself as a bi-racial (American/Mexican) child. Not only did this contribute to who she is today, it gave her a special affinity for those who are weaker and a dislike for those who bully them.
While not drawn from anyone I know, she is the type of person I’d like to have as a friend. Compassionate, fiercely loyal, strong-willed but always up for some fun.  Plus, she gets to say things I’d like to but can’t.


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Twitter - @JeanLauzier
Facebook – jeanlauzier2319
Bio:  Jean Lauzier has always been a writer though life just recently settled enough so she can spend the time needed at the keyboard with her characters.  Jean writes mystery and fantasy for the most part but enjoys playing with romance and western genres ever so often.  When not writing, Jean spends her time trying to keep her Bonsai alive, learning Spanish and training the cat.
Her short story collection, Six Pack of Murder is available on Amazon.  She is president of the East Texas Writer’s Association.
During the tour, Jean will be giving away at least three copies of Six Pack of Murder and three copies of the soon to be released Dark Descent. Be sure to leave a comment along with your email address to be entered in the drawing.