Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Setting Goals

The New Year will be here in a couple of days and, with it, comes a fresh start for all of us. Many people make New Year’s resolutions but I prefer to set goals instead. To me, a resolution implies a commitment that, if not met, will lead to disappointment and frustration. How many people do you know who resolve to lose ten pounds by swim suit season and, when they don’t, feel as if they’ve failed? What if, instead of a resolution, they set a goal?

A goal is something we strive to achieve. We can break it down into bits and pieces and, if we aren’t able to completely meet our goal in spite of our best efforts, we still see progress, which increases our self-esteem. So, if that person who wants to lose ten pounds lost five, instead of being down on themselves and possibly giving up, they would recognize and celebrate the weight they had lost.

I write down my goals for the coming year in a small spiral notebook. Throughout the year, I add to the list and, once a goal is reached, I take great pleasure (and satisfaction) in checking it off. I’ve made my first entry for 2021: Finish writing (and publish) the fourth book in my Small Town mystery series.

How about you?

Happy New Year!


  1. Excellent idea, Patricia! I never make resolutions anymore but have goals set in my mind and I need to write them down.

    1. I'm a list maker. The way I look at it, our brains are like computers; they only have so much space. Once I write down a goal, that's one less thing shuffling around in my head. LOL

  2. Good post, Pat! I keep my ideas and goals in my head, but unfortunately I often forget them. Maybe I should say I conveniently forget them and move on to something else.

    1. I HAVE TO write them down because I hate the feeling of "Now, what was it I planned to do?" LOL

  3. I have a spiral notebook too, but I write what I hope to do each day--sometimes have to carry an item or to over. And I'm planning to finish a book in 2021 too!
    Happy New Year, Patricia, may it be a good one.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Marilyn. I wish you the happiest of new years and the best of luck - not that you need it - with your new book.

  4. I'm so happy for you finishing the fourth Small Town Mystery! I love Kate and all the others.

    I have two sets of goals: professional goals and personal goals. My professional goals include revamping my website and publishing three books in 2021. My personal goals include cutting down my use of plastics and improving my organizational skills.

    Happy New Year, Pat! May 2021 bring you peace and happiness. <3

  5. Goals are a great idea, Pat. Resolutions have never worked for me. Wishing you a new year full of radiant good health and super-fantastic book sales.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Evelyn. I'm praying that this new year will be a good one for all of us. Happy New Year!
