Sunday, July 10, 2016

A Writer's Retreat

We writers live inside our own heads a good portion of the time. That’s how we create the stories we write and the characters who live those stories. To a non-writer, we may appear to be “present” but often we’re off in another world.

I’m a morning writer. That’s when my mind is fresh, free from all the thoughts and tasks the day will undoubtedly bring. When I’m in the midst of working on a book, especially when I’m close to finishing one as I am now, all I want to do every morning is focus on that.

Throughout the morning, I take an occasional break. In good weather, I enjoy sitting on my front porch with a cup of coffee, leaning back and letting the creative side of my brain do its thing. I’m basically living inside my head and I’m pretty much oblivious to what’s going on around me. I know cars are driving by and life is going on but I don’t really “see” any of it. I always take a legal pad and pen outside with me because I find that I come up with some of my best ideas at those times.
Unless someone interrupts me and brings me crashing back into the real world.

I’m fortunate to have some really nice neighbors and they all know I’m a writer. I enjoy talking with them from time to time but, sometimes (not every day), one of them stops by when I’m taking one of my morning “breaks.”
When that happens, I smile but what I’m thinking is please go away! I don’t want to be rude or to hurt their feelings so I listen to what they have to say, nod my head and make a brief comment or two. But I end the conversation as quickly as possible, explaining that I have to get back to my writing. It’s frustrating because it takes me awhile to get back into the world of my characters.

Those are the times I daydream of having a writer’s retreat, a place I could go to get away from everyone and everything until I finish my book.

The other day, I was thinking along those lines and two of my favorite movies came to mind. Most of you have probably seen Seems Like Old Times and Misery. Although one is a comedy and the other is far from it, the main character in both movies is a writer. A writer who takes refuge in a secluded mountain cabin/lodge to finish his novel.
Ah! That sounds like Heaven to me. I imagine myself at my computer all day long with only the sounds of the birds chirping outside my window. No responsibilities! No interruptions! No people!

And then I remember what happened to the writers in those movies.

Well, maybe I’ll think twice the next time I feel the urge to escape to a writer’s retreat. Or I’ll start drinking my morning coffee at the kitchen table. 
Until next week, happy reading and writing!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

What would you do?

Are you curious by nature? If you're a mystery writer and/or a mystery reader, I'd be willing to bet you are.

So, what would you do if you were taking a solitary walk on the beach early one morning and you found the body of a young woman?

Would you scream and possibly go into shock? Would you look over your shoulder, afraid the killer was close by and you might be his next victim? Then, would you rush to call the authorities?

But, what if you'd met and liked the victim? Would you take it a step further, deciding to do a little investigating of your own?

That's exactly what happened to Ann Malone Kern, the main character in Mistaken Identity. But, as Ann, her sister, Marnie, and their senior friend, Clara, begin their investigation, they discover an interesting fact about the victim. She isn't who they'd thought she was.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

My Vacation Photos

Last week, I talked about my vacation to Ocean City, Maryland and how getting away helped me to put my life in perspective. My friend, Jan, and I traveled through six states: Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. As promised, here are a few photos from the trip. 

Ocean City boardwalk tram


Amusement Park on boardwalk

View from our balcony
The beach

Assateague Island, Maryland
Jan feeding a corralled wild horse on Chincoteague Island, VA.
Herd of wild horses on Chincoteague

1859 Fenwick, Delaware lighthouse

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Stepping Back

I just got home from a fantastic vacation to Ocean City, Maryland. Although it's listed as one of the three public beaches closest to Cincinnati (we had already been to Myrtle Beach and Virginia Beach), it took my friend, Jan, and I twelve and a half hours to get there. Of course, by the time we arrived at our hotel, we were both exhausted. But, the next morning as I gazed out at the ocean, I was revived!

The vacation was just what I needed. The past year my mother sold her house (I had moved in with her) so I had to pack, find apartments for both of us and unpack, etc. It was a daunting task! By the grace of God, we now live in apartments across the hall from one another, which I can only describe as a blessing. I could never have orchestrated all that God did for us. And I was very grateful.

But, nothing is easy and it was emotionally and physically draining. I had been so focused on the fact that my writing was behind schedule (a self-imposed schedule), my books weren't selling well and there was always so much to do for Mom. I was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. I REALLY needed a vacation! 

So, in March, I booked a room in Ocean City and I was looking so forward to the trip. Then, less than two weeks before I was scheduled to leave, Mom fell and broke her wrist. As you can imagine, my heart sank. But, thanks to my aunt and my brother who promised to take care of Mom while I was gone, I was able to go. I was determined to put "home" behind me and to relax and enjoy the change of scenery. And I did!

A trip to the ocean always revives my spirit and this trip definitely did that and more. As I watched the waves crash to shore, I was able to step back and put things in perspective and I have to say that it feels so good to be back home!

Next week, I'll post some of the photos I took while on vacation. Until then, I hope each and every one of you has an opportunity to "step back" from your everyday life, take a deep breath and, like me, realize how blessed you truly are.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

If you're longing to go to the beach. . .

Ann feels like she’s in Paradise as she digs her toes into the soft, white sand and gazes out at the ocean. She’s looked forward to this vacation in South Carolina for a long time and all she wants to do now is bask in the sun, resting and relaxing. To preserve the memories, she plans to take pictures of all that she sees.

She and her two young children are enjoying their time on Fripp Island with Ann’s sister, Marnie. The night of the fourth of July fireworks, Marnie introduces Ann to Clara Brunner, a long time resident with a vast knowledge of the island and the people who live there.

But Ann’s peaceful vacation is disrupted when she goes for a solitary walk on the beach and  something shiny catches her eye. She’s horrified when she discovers the body of a young woman with a gold locket twisted around her neck. To make matters worse, she knows who the locket belongs to.

Ann feels an obligation to discover the identity of the killer and to see them brought to justice. She convinces Marnie and Clara to join her in launching their own investigation but, in the process, she places her own life in jeopardy.

Available in paper or eBook
eBook - only $2.99 

Check out "Mistaken Identity" on Hometown Reads!